instance stuck in "stopping" state


This morning (12-22) our instance become unreachable. We tried a reboot, but this did not fix. When we tried to stop the instance we are now stuck in the "Stopping" state. We have tried to "Force stop" the instance but it is still not working/in the "Stopping" state.

Can we please get someone to look it over and assist?

Instance ID: i-ab2a4d56

Thank you, TheTurk

asked 3 years ago1594 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

There seems to be a power issue effecting connectivity to EC2 instances within USE1-AZ4.

The issue should has been resolved by now and your instance(s) should now be able to be stopped.

answered 3 years ago
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reviewed 6 months ago
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answered 3 years ago

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