Best practices for hundreds/thousands of keys/usage plans?


I am working with an API Gateway system to give clients access to data. I am currently having each user get their own Usage Plan and API Key: my reasoning for not having one Usage Plan is that I do not want one user to lock out another by making a high burst of requests. I am aware of AWS limits (300 usage plans per region, 500 api keys per region which have me concerned about how I will add users when my Usage Plan/API Key limit is reached.

I am aware these limits are able to be raised by contacting Amazon, but is there another way I should be doing this? I don't want to reach a point where I can't add more users and am stuck.

2 Answers

my reasoning for not having one Usage Plan is that I do not want one user to lock out another by making a high burst of requests.

API Keys in the same usage plan do not share usage data and would not affect other keys in the same plan so this would not be a concern.

That being said, we can not currently support 100s of thousand of API keys. This may change in the future, but at this time you would eventually not be able to create new API keys.


answered 5 years ago


answered 5 years ago

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