Pass Cloudwatch Event Data to Lambda Function


Is there an example for how to structure the Lambda function to use data that is passed from a triggered Cloudwatch event.

I have my Lambda function as the target of the event, and I have matched event as the input. but I do not know how to take one of those fields and make it a usable variable.

1 Answer

There is a Java example here -

This example shows how different types of events can be handled in lambda and Cloudwatch Events is one of the examples.

Note that Cloudwatch events has now been integrated into a service called Eventbridge

There is a good AWS workshop that provides good hands-on practice with Eventbridge over here -

This particular section in the above workshop shows lambda integration with Eventbridge

There is also a tutorial in the AWS documentation that shows how to integrate Lambda with Eventbridge over here -

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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