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Combine multiple base table attributes to form a DynamoDB GSI PK/SK


I am trying to create a GSI on a DynamoDB Table using AWS console by choosing PK or SK as combination of multiple base table attributes. However, none of the below formats are working for either PK or SK. Please guide me where I am doing wrong ?

  1. <custid>#<userid>
  2. [custid]#[userid]
  3. CUST#<custid>#USER#<userid>
  4. CUST#[custid]#USER#[userid]

Base Table has attributes: id (PK) (string), custid (string), userid (string)

#2 - Reference link(s):

#1,#3 - Reference link(s):

asked 10 months ago447 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

DynamoDB won't handle this for you. You'll need to construct the concatenated value on the application side and store as its own attribute in the base table.

answered 10 months ago
profile picture
reviewed 9 months ago
  • I guess you are right. Thanks!

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