EC2 Instance saving plan


Hi, we have procured r5 (EC2 Instance savings plan) can this instance type be converted to r6i at later stage?


asked 2 years ago396 views
1 Answer

No. Please take a look at this in particular this section -

EC2 Instance Savings Plans provide the lowest prices, offering savings up to 72% in exchange for commitment to usage of individual instance families in a region (e.g. M5 usage in N. Virginia). This automatically reduces your cost on the selected instance family in that region regardless of AZ, size, OS or tenancy. EC2 Instance Savings Plans give you the flexibility to change your usage between instances within a family in that region. For example, you can move from c5.xlarge running Windows to c5.2xlarge running Linux and automatically benefit from the Savings Plans prices.

So EC2 Instance Savings plans can be used if you want to move from let's say R5.XL to R5.2XL, but not from R5 to R6.

You would have been better off purchasing the Compute Savings Plan if your need the additional flexibility, as that is possible with Compute Savings Plans as mentioned in the FAQ

Compute Savings Plans provide the most flexibility and help to reduce your costs by up to 66%. These plans automatically apply to EC2 instance usage regardless of instance family, size, AZ, region, OS or tenancy, and also apply to Fargate and Lambda usage. For example, with Compute Savings Plans, you can change from C4 to M5 instances, shift a workload from EU (Ireland) to EU (London), or move a workload from EC2 to Fargate or Lambda at any time and automatically continue to pay the Savings Plans price.

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answered 2 years ago

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