Describe_log_streams and filter_log_events calls breaks put_log_events


We have applications that send a fairly large amount of logs into cloudwatch logs.

Yesterday, someone was attempting to filter those logs, running potentially many describe_log_streams and filter_log_events call for a fairly small time window but for a time a month in the past. (time window of 20 minutes or less)

All of a sudden, the code that issues put_log_events calls started getting the following errors.

400 Bad Request, ResourceNotFoundException The specified log stream does not exist

It seems the filter and describe_log_streams requests broke the ability to send additional logs.

How careful do we need to be when issuing these types of requests?

asked 6 years ago306 views
1 Answer

This was user error. The error message was accurate. The log stream had been deleted.

answered 6 years ago

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