Why is the upload speed of dmp files from aws rds to s3 so fast?


After backing up using data pump in AWS rds, the file in the directory of the file was uploaded to s3.

I monitored it and saw the file list appear in S3 in about 1 second.

I wonder if this is because the upload has actually been completed or is in progress.

If the upload has been completed, I am curious as to why it is uploaded so quickly.

asked a year ago338 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

The time will vary depending on file size. There is a way to monitor upload download files, for example with RDS for Oracle you can run a query as described here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/oracle-s3-integration.html

SELECT rdsadmin.rdsadmin_s3_tasks.upload_to_s3(
      p_bucket_name               =>  's3bucketOwnedByAccountB', 
      p_prefix                    =>  '', 
      p_s3_prefix                 =>  '', 
      p_directory_name            =>  'DATA_PUMP_DIR',
      p_bucket_owner_full_control =>  'FULL_CONTROL',
      p_compression_level         =>  6) 

SELECT text FROM table(rdsadmin.rds_file_util.read_text_file('BDUMP','dbtask-task-id.log'));
profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a year ago

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