Upgrade PHP 7.4 to 8.1 on Lamp stack


I'm using Lamp stack by bitnami as webserver on Lightsail and need to upgrade PHP from 7.4 to 8.* to work with Laravel 9. Although i followed a lot of instructions by bitnami, PHP 8 does not work. after all, "php -v" command says : 7.4 and "install php 8.*" command says : it is already installed.

Any help would be appreciated.

asked 2 years ago508 views
1 Answer

AWS Lightsail's Bitnami LAMP Stack php version cannot be directly updated to php 8.0. It requires you to deploy a new stack with the latest version. However, LAMP stack with PHP version 8.* support is currently not available. This is still a feature request with our product team.

answered 2 years ago
  • Thanks for update, Jeff Then, what is your approach or solution regarding this issue? should i migrate to EC2 or downgrade my Laravel to v8 ?

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