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Can I use event bridge with AWS Config Rules while formatting the payload sent to SNS topic to be formatted like a CloudWatch Alarm? Or use CloudWatch Alarm directly?


I have a use case where I have an existing SNS topic that sends appropriate notifications to appropriate subscribers.

However, the only payload it accepts at the moment is the format of CloudWatch Alarms

Is there a way I can use event bridge to send non-complaint config rules to SNS topic while having it in a particular format? Or any service I can use to achieve this for this particular use case?

Thanks for suggestions and advice as well. Any documentation will help too.

1 Answer

To send AWS Config rule compliance events to an SNS topic in a format similar to CloudWatch Alarms, you can use Amazon EventBridge with an intermediary AWS Lambda function:

Create an EventBridge Rule:

Set up an EventBridge rule to capture AWS Config compliance events.

Add a Lambda Function:

Use a Lambda function to transform the captured events into the CloudWatch Alarm format.

Send to SNS Topic:

The Lambda function publishes the transformed payload to the SNS topic.


EventBridge Rule:

Create a rule to capture AWS Config events (source: aws.config). Lambda Function:

Write a Lambda function to format the AWS Config event into CloudWatch Alarm format and publish it to SNS.

SNS Topic:

Ensure your SNS topic is set up and subscribed to the notifications. This approach allows you to integrate AWS Config events with an SNS topic that expects CloudWatch Alarm-formatted messages.

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answered 3 months ago

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