Route53 domain contact details stuck in "Action Required", 'Resend email' broken


We recently had a staff change and need to enter correct contact details for domains registered in Route53. This all worked well except for two - and - where for some reason e-mails from "one or the other side" of the contact e-mail addresses that were changed did not arrive (I have access to inboxes for both) so verification has not completed.

If I then go to Route53 -> Domains -> Requests, I can see the in-red "Action Required" status for those two domains. If I check the radio box next to one, use the Actions drop down - of which all entries except "Resend email" are greyed out for some reason - and choose that option, I always get a red error banner:

"Failed to send authorization email for <domain>"

So, the console is flat-out broken. It has been several days now with no change in behaviour. The domain still shows incorrect contact details. Attempting to re-edit the details just gives me a different big red error on form submission telling me to check the requests list because there's already a change in progress - after I've wasted my time and filled in the form, of course, not at the point I hit "edit", sigh - but I cannot do anything about it, because of the broken "resend e-mail" feature. I have tried Safari, Chrome and Firefox without ad blockers with identical results in all.

Note that whois reports domain status in both cases, as expected, as ACTIVE. They are not (for example) suspended. The domains work normally. It's just the contact details that are wrong.

Can anyone in the community advise about ways forward to break this stalemate so I can just complete the elementary, mundane task of changing the domain contact details, ideally in less than geological time?! Thanks :-D

asked 2 years ago427 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Raise a support call with AWS to resolve this. Even if you're on a Basic Support plan (which would preclude you from raising a support call most of the time) you can still do so under Account and Billing -> Service: Billing -> Category: Domain Registration Issue

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answered 2 years ago
  • Many thanks. That's very well hidden! I've raised a ticket and hopefully it will be resolved from there. Whether it's something I can do on my side, or something AWS Support have to do, I'll post an update to this thread once it's all sorted for the sake of search archives.


Following RWC's advice above, I created a support ticket successfully. The first response was the classic "we didn't read your ticket so here's an answer off the script", but it did get escalated to the "internal service team" with a note that it might take "a few days" to fix. In practice, someone quietly just re-sent all the confirmation messages again, which all arrived and meant I was able to get the domain details properly updated.

The original ticket response said that the ticket state would be updated "once I receive an update from the team"; that hasn't happened yet, so I'll probably just close it as resolved myself. Sadly, I have no idea if the console bug with "resend email" always returning an error is fixed and I'm not about to mess with my domains to find out! I have had no written acknowledgement of anything from that "internal" team. We can but hope.

answered 2 years ago

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