HTTPS requests on A9G via AT commands fail after 7 requests; HTTP works fine


Hi, I am working on A9G module in IOT , wherein I am trying to send data to AWS DynamoDB via https URL.

As part of a GPS tracker device, I'm utilizing AT instructions to connect with an Ai-Thinker A9G processor from an ESP8266. Starting off smoothly, HTTPS requests begin to fail after sending 7 or 8 successfully. Requesting HTTP is still acceptable, though.

What could be the reason that HTTP requests perform just fine but HTTPS requests fail after the first 7 or 8? And How can I solve this issue?

  • Process of sending data is: Sending data from arduino uno via A9G module -> DynamoDB via AWS API Gateway

1 Answer

Hi, it is hard to say what the issue could be without knowing how the firmware is written, but I would suppose HTTPS is more resource intensive and somehow resources get exhausted after few calls. This could be also due to a memory leak in the firmware.

I would recommend to look into AWS IoT Core to send data from a remote device to cloud. You can find several guides on the internet on how to connect an ESP8266 to AWS IoT Core.

answered a year ago

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