convert Dynamic IP address to Static IP


Hi all,

Here is my problem. I have 3 instances already attached the dynamic IP address. If there is any changes to the IP address (due to restart/shutdown etc.), it will affect my business operation.

Without any changes to my dynamic IP address, my question is whether it is possible to convert the dynamic IP address for the instances to static IP address?

I know it seems impossible as there isn't any options to convert the same dynamic IP address to static IP address for the instances, but would the AWS premium support be able to assist in helping to resolve this issue as this seems to be a special request?

asked 5 years ago1.5K views
2 Answers

I'm pretty sure if you create a static IP, it will be different from your current dynamic IP.

My suggestion would be to just bite the bullet, convert to a static IP, and stick with that for the future.

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answered 5 years ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 10 months ago

Thanks for using Lightsail. Unfortunately, we currently do not support to convert dynamic ip to static ip. Another option is that you can create the DNS to map with the ip address. You can then create a static ip and re-map the dynamic ip with the static ip.

answered 5 years ago

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