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Lightsail MySQL Database: upgrade to 8.0.33 (mysqldump single transaction bug)


Hello, the new version of MySQL 8.0.33 solves a big problem related to single-transaction backup:

My lightsail DB instance is still at version 8.0.31 Is there any way to force the update or should I just wait for AWS to do it? And when will this update be expected?


2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Does your database use RDS?
In that case, you can update up to 8.0.32 as it is supported.
However, the following documentation shows that 8.0.33 is not yet supported and cannot be used with RDS.

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answered 2 years ago

My database is a "Lightsail managed database", as I know it's built on RDS. I think at the moment the only way is to create a new database with a new version and restore a backup from the old database. But at the moment only v8.0.32 is available as you said so I just have to wait for AWS to be able to upgrade. Thank you

answered 2 years ago

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