Unable to run docker-compose.yaml file on EC2 instance


I am trying to deploy a docker-compose.yaml on AWS EC2 instance. There is no other file I would like to deploy.

My file that contains 3 images to build the container (see code below): Kafka Broker, Zookeeper and Python-Producer (which basically just produces random numbers periodically and writes to a Kafka Topic; and this image is deployed publicly).

I am unable to install docker-compose engine using both Ubuntu and Linux AMI's.

I am following this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRgdnHHuvoI

Any help and guidance will be much appreciated - TIA!

dp api
asked a year ago607 views
1 Answer

Docker installation on Ubuntu can be done using the method in the official documentation below.
If this procedure installs to the end, docker-compose-plugin will also be installed so that docker-compose can be used.

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answered a year ago

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