Can we enable a Active Active Cross Region DR strategy for AWS RDS SQL Server , If so how?


I have tried various options of Disaster Recovery options for SQL Server. There are two parts to This FULL BACKUPS and then On-going Replication

  1. Back Up and Restore - Took Automated backups ,native S3,Manual snapshots - cross region copied But cannot satisfy the ongoing Replication condition To satisfy the on-going repication
  2. Restore from transactional Logs - cross region copying them and restoring PiTR-Xregion
  3. Promoting Read Replica in Cross region
  4. Restoring the Database from Cross region Automated Back Ups
  5. Create a Full Back up restore, Using DMS and CDC -On going Replication At best Multi Region but Second Region is only Read-Replica with almost zero RTO, RPO

but I am not able to get a solution for AWS Active -Active For Cross region Can I replicate the DMS - Ongoing Replication CDC on both sides ? I will try this and let you know Any other solutions ?

1 Answer

AWS RDS SQL Server does not natively support an active-active cross-region replication topology.

Using DMS and CDC both RDS instances will be synchronized and can handle read and write workloads. However, you need to be cautious of potential conflicts that may arise when making write operations simultaneously in both regions.

If you require an active-active setup for disaster recovery purposes, you might also want to consider using Amazon Aurora with Global Database, which supports active-active cross-region replication. However, this would require migrating your SQL Server database to Amazon Aurora.

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answered a year ago

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