Ec2 saving plan behaviour


I am planning to buy 3 years of reserved c5.2xlarge EC2. Also I'm planning to enable an EC2 saving plan. What should I purchase first? If I buy the purchase plan first and then go for c5.2xlarge do I need to pay for both? if the c5.2xlarge is 117$ per month and the savings plan also purchased as 117$ per month, finally I should pay 117$ per month? What if my c5.2xlarge is 117$ per month and the savings plan is 100$ per month.what will be per month's cost?

2 Answers
Accepted Answer

If you are going to stay in one specific instance family / type during 3 years you can go for the reservation first, then wait seven days and check the recommendation for compute saving plan.

If you may need bigger flexibility you can go directly with just one compute saving plan.

Before take your decision compare the potential saving with standard/convertible reservation and then compare it with saving plan

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • if the c5.2xlarge is 110$ per month and the savings plan is also purchased as 110$ per month, finally I should pay 110$ per month or 220$? can I know only this part?


If you purchase Reserved Instance, and then you purchase Savings Plan, you will pay for both! So, in your example, you would pay $220 per month (for both commitments). Both RIs and SPs can co-exist together, and if you have enough matching usage, they will be simply covering different instances, different usage.

Note that RIs and Savings Plans discounts DO NOT STACK, so you cannot get double-discount on the same usage. There's no need to buy two unless you have enough matching instances for both RIs and SPs to cover it (matching usage with matching attributes like region, instance type & generation, etc...)

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
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reviewed 10 months ago

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