View Users' Saved Queries as Redshift Admin?


I am an admin of our Redshift cluster. Is there a way for me to view (unshared) queries that have been saved by my Redshift users - especially decommissioned ones? I am worried that following the departure of some colleagues (and old roles that have been swapped out by our IT team), we may have lost very valuable queries that were saved via Query Editor. I am aware that I can view SOME recent query history via tables like STL_QUERY but I've already discovered there's pretty much no overlap between Saved Queries and that content.

asked 7 months ago378 views
1 Answer

Hello William,

The saved queries in Query editor v2 are specific to the user who saves the query. You cant view these queries in any system table/views unless the queries are executed on the Redshift cluster. I would also recommend using SYS_QUERY_HISTORY to get all the key query metrics from a single view.

Please feel free to comment if you have any other questions.

answered 7 months ago

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