Cognito oAuth with AWS SDK



I'm trying to implement a .Net website that uses Cognito to access S3 and DynamoDB resources securely using oAuth2. I've raised a question on Stack Exchange but they have not been able to answer my query:

All examples I have found do two things: authenticate a Cognito userpool user and access resources using an IAM account. This is not how I understand oAuth should work, which is: authenticate a Cognito user -> get the Identity Pool ID token -> Use the token to access S3/DynamoDB.

I've done this successfully using JS and found an example here: which does it in an obsolete SDK, but there doesn't appear to be any equivalent to the CognitoAWSCredentials in v 3 of the SDK, so I'm stuck.

1 Answer

Nick, I can't offer you any specific answers but I do share your pain when it comes to using Cognito and .NET - I have found examples and documentation less than ideal.

I am going to have to face this challenge again for a personal project in the next few weeks so fingers crossed I'll have better outcomes this time.

The best points of reference I have found are :

answered 2 years ago

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