How to avoid spamming with email notifications for updating a document in WorkDocs


I was invited to the folder in WorkDocs as an Co-Owner recently. I've created a new folder in that shared with me folder and uploaded a Word document into the new folder. I was going to review the document collaboratively, so I've shared the document with few more people as Contributors.

After some comments were added on the document I've got email notifications about those comments. But also I've got complains from some users with Contributor role who was inherited from the root folder (so not invited by me). When I review the permissions for the document I may edit only roles for the users I've added, I cannot change permissions for inherited users or remove them (there is no dropdown list for them in the user list), even though I'm displayed as an Owner for this document.

How can I exclude the irrelevant users from this document's notifications?

asked a year ago338 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hello Oleks,

Unfortunately, without control over the folder in its entirety, you can't prevent inherited users from receiving notifications of document edits. The owner of the top level folder would need to manage the permissions of the users who don't want to be notified of the secondary folder by removing them from the secondary folder.

As the document owner, you can turn off all email notifications for the doc. For steps on how to do that, see Q. How do I disable email notifications being sent out when my document is updated? in the Amazon WorkDocs FAQs. Note, this turns off all email notifications for all users, including yourself.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • Hi, Where is this setting? I didn't find anything in the mentioned link to disable notification emails. I'm having the same problem, endless emails for every action on workdocs files and folders.

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