AWS Greengrass Java Fatal error is causing a crash in Ubuntu 18


When i open AWS Greengrass section in management console and try to create a Greengrass core device, then i follow the instruction which are export credentials, goes fine, download greengrass, and install the Greengrass. After installation. my device appears in IoT things, a thing group is also created and so the Deployment. But it is not appearing in the AWS Greengrass core devices. After investigation i noticed by typing

sudo cat /greengrass/v2/logs/greengrass.log

it shows that no active deployment found error repeating but when i check logs using

sudo journalctl -u greengrass

it shows the following error which is repeating after every few seconds

May 19 05:58:46 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: Java executable: java
May 19 05:58:46 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: JVM options: -Droot=/greengrass/v2
May 19 05:58:46 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: Nucleus options: --setup-system-service false
May 19 05:58:49 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: Launching Nucleus...
May 19 05:58:49 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: #
May 19 05:58:49 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
May 19 05:58:49 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: #
May 19 05:58:49 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: #  SIGILL (0x4) at pc=0x0000007eefb7f2a0, pid=21169, tid=21170
May 19 05:58:49 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: #
May 19 05:58:49 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: # JRE version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment Corretto- (11.0.23+9) (build 11.0.23+9-LTS)
May 19 05:58:49 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: # Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Corretto- (11.0.23+9-LTS, mixed mode, tiered, compressed oops, g1 gc, linux-aarch64)
May 19 05:58:49 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: # Problematic frame:
May 19 05:58:49 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: # C  []
May 19 05:58:49 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: #
May 19 05:58:49 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: # Core dump will be written. Default location: Core dumps may be processed with "/usr/share/apport/apport -p%p -s%s -c%c -d%d -P%P -u%u -g%g -- %E" (or dumping to //core.21169)
May 19 05:58:49 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: #
May 19 05:58:49 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: # An error report file with more information is saved as:
May 19 05:58:49 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: # //hs_err_pid21169.log
May 19 05:58:49 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: #
May 19 05:58:49 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: # If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
May 19 05:58:49 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: #
May 19 05:58:49 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: # The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
May 19 05:58:49 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: # See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
May 19 05:58:49 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: #
May 19 05:58:50 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: Nucleus exit at code: 134
May 19 05:58:50 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: Nucleus exited 134. Retrying 2 times
May 19 05:58:50 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: Java executable: java
May 19 05:58:50 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: JVM options: -Droot=/greengrass/v2
May 19 05:58:50 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: Nucleus options: --setup-system-service false
May 19 05:58:53 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: Launching Nucleus...
May 19 05:58:53 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: #
May 19 05:58:53 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
May 19 05:58:53 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: #
May 19 05:58:53 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: #  SIGILL (0x4) at pc=0x0000007f25d7c2a0, pid=21220, tid=21221
May 19 05:58:53 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: #
May 19 05:58:53 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: # JRE version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment Corretto- (11.0.23+9) (build 11.0.23+9-LTS)
May 19 05:58:53 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: # Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Corretto- (11.0.23+9-LTS, mixed mode, tiered, compressed oops, g1 gc, linux-aarch64)
May 19 05:58:53 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: # Problematic frame:
May 19 05:58:53 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: # C  []
May 19 05:58:53 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: #
May 19 05:58:53 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: # Core dump will be written. Default location: Core dumps may be processed with "/usr/share/apport/apport -p%p -s%s -c%c -d%d -P%P -u%u -g%g -- %E" (or dumping to //core.21220)
May 19 05:58:53 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: #
May 19 05:58:53 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: # An error report file with more information is saved as:
May 19 05:58:53 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: # //hs_err_pid21220.log
May 19 05:58:53 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: #
May 19 05:58:53 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: # If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
May 19 05:58:53 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: #
May 19 05:58:53 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: # The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
May 19 05:58:53 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: # See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
May 19 05:58:53 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: #
May 19 05:58:53 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: Nucleus exit at code: 134
May 19 05:58:53 sdpl-adamg sh[20951]: Nucleus exited 134. Retrying 3 times
May 19 05:58:53 sdpl-adamg systemd[1]: greengrass.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=134/n/a
May 19 05:58:53 sdpl-adamg systemd[1]: greengrass.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.

I tried following options to resolve but none of them are working

  1. Tried default-jdk
  2. Tried Amazon Corretto JDK 11
  3. Tried Amazon Corretto JDK 21
asked 22 days ago127 views
3 Answers


We have released Nucleus v2.12.6 which contains the fix for this specific issue.

answered 16 days ago


The error you're encountering seems to be related to a compatibility issue between the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and the hardware architecture of your device. The error message SIGILL (0x4) at pc=0x0000007eefb7f2a0 indicates an illegal instruction error, which typically occurs when the CPU tries to execute an instruction that it doesn't recognize or support.

Since you're using an ARM-based device (aarch64 architecture), it's possible that the JRE you're using is not compatible with the ARM architecture or has some issues running on your specific hardware. This could be due to various reasons, such as differences in CPU features, instruction set extensions, or other hardware-specific factors.

Kindly try the following:

  1. Update the AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software
  2. Although you've already tried different versions of the Amazon Corretto JDK, you could try using a different JRE that is specifically designed for ARM architectures

If the error still persists, we would require a full log as it would help with identifying the actual issue behind the error. Hence, to answer this, we would need more information regarding details on your setup which may include non-public information. To guide you effectively, please open a support case with AWS using the following link.

answered 21 days ago


Please try using Nucleus 2.12.4 instead of 2.12.5 ; We are investigating some edge case behavior present in 2.12.5, and believe using 2.12.4 should unblock you for now


answered 21 days ago
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reviewed 17 days ago

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