Unable to swap Environment URL's on Elastic Beanstalk


I am trying to do Blue Green Deployment on AWS Elastic Bean Stalk. I have two environments v_0 and v_1. I am able to access my website from the environment URL's. When I go to Actions-> swap URL from the new environment , it gives an error message: You need at least two web tier environments in the Ready state to complete this operation.

asked 6 years ago764 views
3 Answers

I have also faced same problem. Can't find related details or resolution till now. Surprisingly other threads on web don't have much details on it.
@pava, I believe it you resolved it. Can you let me know? Thanks!

answered 5 years ago

I am having the same issue, did you find a solution or cause?

answered 4 years ago
answered 4 years ago

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