Replicating EFS CSI dynamically-provisioned volumes


Hi, we have a Kubernetes cluster with a Storage Class to dynamically allocate EFS volumes using AWS EFS CSI driver. As known, dynamic PV are allocated using Access Points; in fact, deploying an app with a PVC asking for some space, in the CSI driver's logs, I see: "...successfully created PV pvc-4df6c960-a9e6-4626-bcff-62d6c4d7fe13 for PVC efs-claim and csi volume name fs-1eff1845::fsap-04c355c91d3af1544"

For Disaster/Recovery pourposes, I activated replication of EFS filesystem on another region of same account. As known, Access Points are not replicated. I'd like to know if there is a strategy to restore original applications with dynamic volumes in such a way to "see" replicated volumes. I was able to do it only pre-provisioning a PV statically pointing to the existing volume, with a hard work to find its references and changing resources manually.


asked 10 months ago439 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer


Thanks for reaching out to us at AWS re:Post. Sameer this side from EFS Support Team and here to assist further on the question you asked here.

As from the post, I can understand you are using EFS filesystem as a storage for Kubernetes cluster, wherein the access points on EFS filesystem are created dynamically using the CSI drivers. When using the EFS replication feature, the access points are not replicated. In a DR situation, you would like to know if there is a process to view the EFS volumes as seen in the source EFS filesystem, as you are currently pre-provisioning a PV statically and using them. Please correct me if I have misunderstood your query.

The EFS replication will replicate the data present in EFS filesystem (including the directories that are mapped to access point) and not the Access points created on the filesystem. Access points are part of the EFS configurations and the configurations do not replicate.

Due to this limitation, you need to perform the static provisioning in this scenario and point them to the existing EFS volumes [1].

I hope I was able to address your query on the post. In case of any follow-up queries/clarification, please proceed to open a case with AWS Support Engineering at [2]. Thanks for your patience & cooperation!

[1]. [2].

answered 10 months ago
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reviewed 7 months ago

I had come to the same conclusions, thanks!

I was able to mount dynamic volumes of replicated filesystem as static PVC/PV, manually pointing to the directories that are mapped to access points. It's not a practical procedure but it's definitely possible. I will try to encourage the use of static provisioning.

answered 9 months ago

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