CodePipeline Setup for New Repository with Github


Hi there. I need to setup a CodePipeline for my new repo. Could you please help me with the step by step process on what should I do first? Else, is there anyway to do it by CloudFormation?

Also, I'll be needing to setup a CI/CD that must be integrated with Github with 3 different stages (stage, dev and prod)

Thank you

2 Answers

To set up a CodePipeline for your new repository integrated with GitHub, follow these steps:

Step 1: Connect GitHub Repository with AWS Account Go to the AWS Management Console. Navigate to the CodePipeline service. Follow the steps outlined in the AWS documentation to connect your GitHub repository to your AWS account: Connect to a GitHub Repository

Step 2: Create CodePipeline Using the AWS Management Console

  1. In the CodePipeline console, click on "Create pipeline". 2.Enter a name for your pipeline and select "New service role" for the role name.
  2. Click on "Next".
  3. In the "Source" stage, select GitHub as the source provider and choose your connected repository.
  4. Click on "Next".
  5. In the "Build" stage, select AWS CodeBuild as the build provider and configure your build settings.
  6. Click on "Next".
  7. In the "Deploy" stage, select AWS CodeDeploy or AWS Elastic Beanstalk as the deployment provider and configure your deployment settings. 9.Click on "Next". 10.Review your pipeline configuration and click on "Create pipeline".

Step 3: Configure CI/CD with Multiple Stages

  1. After creating the pipeline, click on "Edit" to add additional stages.
  2. Click on "Add stage" to create new stages such as "dev" and "prod".
  3. Configure each stage with appropriate actions (e.g., build and deploy).
  4. Ensure that the deployment actions for each stage are configured to deploy to the corresponding environment (e.g., dev or prod).

Using AWS CloudFormation CloudFormation may not directly support the creation of GitHub connections for CodePipeline. You may need to set up the GitHub connection manually or use the AWS CLI for this step. However, once the GitHub connection is established, you can use CloudFormation to define and deploy your CodePipeline resources.

By following these steps, you can set up a CodePipeline integrated with GitHub and configure CI/CD with multiple stages

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answered 9 months ago


Before creating CodePipeline, you need to connect your GitHub repository and AWS account.
Please follow the steps in the document below to link.

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answered 9 months ago
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reviewed 8 months ago
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reviewed 9 months ago

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