Looking for 50 or 100% off discount voucher for the examination of AWS Cloud Pratitioner (CLF-C01)


Hi everyone, I would greatly appreciate it if someone could provide me with information about any 50 or 100% off voucher/coupon for the AWS Cloud Pratitioner (CLF-C01) exam might be available. Thank you everyone =)

asked a year ago1275 views
3 Answers


As of October, they only seem to be offering 25% discount vouchers.

profile picture
answered a year ago
profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • Hi, I think that 50% discount voucher is not longer available.

    • Once you've attended AWSome Day on 15th Feb 2023, You have until March 2, 2023 to register for the challenge to access your 50% off exam discount (while supplies last) and take your exam by June 2, 2023.
    • Those who qualify to receive the 50% discount voucher will receive it via email on March 3, 2023

The Cloud Practitioner Challenge is running until December 31st 2023 and offers 25% off the exam cost: Join the challenge and get a 25% discount on your AWS Certification exam, curated exam prep content, and more!


answered a year ago

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