Configure PHP Laravel client to send messages from an AWS Workmail Account


Hello, Community.

I have an AWS Workmail Organization with one user (

I have a PHP Laravel app and I want to configure .env file so my app can send messages using email account. How can I accomplish this without using SES?

Thanks in advanced.


asked 2 years ago859 views
1 Answer


You should be able to use the WorkMail SMTP end-point. documentation. Do note that WorkMail is a mail and calendaring solution that is not intended for automated mailing and violation of its terms can lead to being blocked from sending mail. For automated mailings its recommended to use SES.

Kind regards, Robin

answered 2 years ago
  • Thanks, Robin.

    So, How Can I configure SES to send messages using my WorkMail Account ( from PHP Laravel client? Because I see that the parameter asks for a SMTP user name. So, How Can I use my WorkMail email account as username?

    Thanks in advanced.

  • Hi,

    You will need to configure this in SES by verifying your email address in the SES console.

    Kind regards, Robin

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