Postgres export to S3


I'm trying to export a snapshot to S3, but nothing actually gets exported and the export metadata file shows a PERMISSIONS_DO_NOT_EXIST skip error on every table. The docs say this is a permission error that can be resolved by granting permissions to the tables:

However, I've done just that with my master user multiple times and nothing has changed.

Basically the whole export metadata file looks like this:

{"perTableStatus":[{"tableStatistics":{"extractionStartTime":"Apr 17, 2021 10:27:49 AM","partitioningInfo":{"numberOfPartitions":1,"numberOfCompletedPartitions":0}},"warningMessage":{"skippedTable":[{"reason":"PERMISSIONS_DO_NOT_EXIST"}]},"status":"SKIPPED","sizeGB":1.8310546875E-4,"target":"mailserver.public.account"}

Am I doing something wrong?
Any help would be appreciated.

asked 3 years ago612 views
1 Answer

A friend has suggested that it's the permissions at the time of backup that matter, so my efforts to export to S3 will remain forever fruitless. It'd be nice if the docs noted this.

answered 3 years ago

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