API Gateway with swagger documentation export error


I added one piece of documentation on our api gateway using the web UI and when I try to export it as swagger, I get the following error:

Cannot deserialize value of type java.lang.String from Object value (token JsonToken.START_OBJECT) at [Source: UNKNOWN; line: -1, column: -1] (through reference chain: io.swagger.models.ModelImpl["default"])

Here is what the documentation part looks like: Enter image description here

What am I doing wrong?

  • This a default example when you click on the documentation button.

asked a year ago609 views
2 Answers

The documentation is expecting a 'String' type value and you're offering an 'Object' type value.

Change either like this:

"{'Documentation': 'Global Authentication'}"


"Documentation: Global Authentication"
answered a year ago

The way I resolved the error was to delete the stage and then add it back, then the error went away.

answered a year ago

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