Access IAM Identity Center details from member account with CLI | An error occurred (ResourceNotFoundException) when calling the DescribeGroup operation: IdentityStore not present for IdentityStoreId


I am trying to execute

aws identitystore describe-group
--identity-store-id d-xxxxxx
--group-id 51db35d0-40xx-70xx-10ae-xxxxxxx

from the member account of an AWS organisation which has IAM identity center setup. But it fails with the error of resource not found. An error occurred (ResourceNotFoundException) when calling the DescribeGroup operation: IdentityStore not present for IdentityStoreId: d-xxxxxx

Althought the CLI reference document shows this note - Enter image description here

1 Answer

Hi There

You would need to run that command in the Management Account where Identity Center is provisioned. Looks like you are trying to describe it from a member account. You will need to either run the command from the management account, or assume a role in the management account. See

profile pictureAWS
answered 6 months ago

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