Enable [schema].[table] filtering on DMS table statistics


Currently, when we have multiple tables in a DMS migration task with the same name but in different schemas or in the same schema and with a similar name + prefix/suffix, we cannot filter out a single table in "Table statistics" tab using [schema].[table] format, as the filtering is too simple and is intra-column in that screen.

Please support the "[schema].[table]" format in the filter box to filter on both "Schema name" and "Table" columns in addition to the cross intra-column simple search.

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asked 2 years ago359 views
1 Answer

Dear AWS Customer,

Thank you for reaching us. I understand you will like to have additional filters on the DMS task table statistics tab in order to easily filter out using "[schema].[table]" format in the filter box and I am happy to inform you that there is already a feature request in place to allow the use of additional filters in the table statistics filter box.

I have gone ahead and included your request in there to weigh in on the feature but considering the extensive cycle of validation and test involved, I am afraid for not being able to provide you an ETA for the feature rollout at this point.

answered 2 years ago

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