When using the RDS export to s3 feature, export records are not saved in certain regions.


Hello. I have data pipeline that works like this.

  1. RDS make daily snapshot automatically.
  2. when daily snapshot created, SNS snapshot created event is fired.
  3. when snapshot created event fired, that trigger custom lambda events. lambda event fire export to s3 tasks by boto3. (boto3.client('rds').start_export_task())
  4. when export task finished, then SNS export finished event is fired. (RDS-EVENT-0161)
  5. when export task is finished, then custom lambda update s3 bucket to latest data.

I've been using this pipeline for 2 years now, and since last Saturday (5/18) I've been experiencing issues in AP-NORTHEAST-2 and US-WEST-1 regions. (EU-WEST-3 region is works fine.)

in AWS console RDS menu, "Exports in Amazon S3" Section is not recored new s3 export events. and also in "Snapshots" section, click specific snapshot, then in "Exports in s3" section, has excuted exported job is not recoreded, and API Call also send empty response.

When I triggered an export to S3 from the console, the failure to record was reproduced.

What can I check in this situation?

1 Answer
Accepted Answer


Are there any errors reported on the health dashboard, etc.?

Also, check the CloudTrail event history to see if any errors have occurred.

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answered 14 days ago
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reviewed 13 days ago
  • There is no reent issue on aws health. and no error in cloudtrail.

    the weird thing is in specific snapshot, "recent events" shows export task completed, but in same snapshot's exports in s3 shows there is no exported task.

    this is screenshot. ( i can't upload screenshot in comment, so i upload by my own cdn.) https://cdn.lemondouble.com/repost.png

  • There is a possibility that there is a problem on the AWS side, so please open a case with AWS Support under "Account and billing" just to be safe. Inquiries under "Account and billing" can be made free of charge. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/awssupport/latest/user/case-management.html

  • I get it! thanks :)

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