OPTIMIZATION DATA COLLECTION - ComputeOptimizerModule not working in the OPTIMIZATION DATA COLLECTION (https://wellarchitectedlabs.com/cost/300_labs/300_optimization_data_collection)


I've been following the steps given in the cloud intelligence dashboard & LEVEL 300 - OPTIMIZATION DATA COLLECTION LAB to deploy dashboards. i test getting list of account id & data of compute optimizer. i confirmed updating account id and updating on a glue service and on an athena service. but compute optimizer data didn't create on glue & athena.

so i figured out cloud formation files that can be reasons.

in Optimization_Data_Collector.yaml

      TemplateURL: !Sub "https://${CFNTemplateSourceBucket}.s3.amazonaws.com/Cost/Labs/300_Optimization_Data_Collection/module-compute-optimizer.yaml"

in module-compute-optimizer.yaml

    Type: String
   ** Description: SQS that will be used to trigger the crawler lambda to pull data in (Not used)**

Please let me know what am I missing and how can I fix it to get it working.

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2 Answers

compute optimizer data does not create Glue crawler like trusted advisor data does. when you invoke the lambda function for compute optimizer , it would only populate data into S3 folder. In order to create athena table, you need to deploy CID dashboard -> compute optimizer dashboard. Also, this dashboard does not leverage glue crawler like other dashboards.

answered a year ago

The instructions to deploy COD are here :

If you choose a command line option please make sure the workgroup (NOT QUERY EDITOR) is configured with query location s3 bucket.

answered a year ago

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