How install a custom ODBC driver on MWAA OR Supply custom image


Hello Community,

I am trying to move our airflow from single Node EC2 instance. But I can't find any documentation on how to

  • Install a ODBC driver used by our application in MWAA or supply a custom image which we have bundle with the driver
  • Secondly to mount an fsx drive were we delivers files to our business users

I greatly appreciate responses and reference documents


1 Answer


You can put the custom driver in the DAG folder under the S3 bucket and the driver should become available to the underlying MWAA schedulers and workers from that location. For example, place the custom driver inside S3 bucket dags folder prefix like s3://my-bucket/dags/<subfolder>/<ODBC driver>. Please refer to the guide below for installing custom pakages in MWAA:


Please note that MWAA does not support mounting FSx (cloud file systems) drives on MWAA workers.

answered a year ago

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