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Terminating connection due to serverless scale event timeout


I am getting sporadic connection timeouts when running on Aurora withe the following message:

"terminating connection due to serverless scale event timeout"

This happens when increased load on the server causes the cluster to scale.

Has anyone seen this on their cluster and have any advice on how to resolve it?

Cluster Details

Aurora PostgreSQL

Region & AZ

Capacity settings
Minimum Aurora capacity unit
2 capacity units
Maximum Aurora capacity unit
384 capacity units
Pause compute capacity after consecutive minutes of inactivity
5 minutes
Force scaling the capacity to the specified values when the timeout is reached


Maintenance window
sat:12:30-sat:13:00 UTC (GMT)

asked 5 years ago1.3K views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Looks to me like this is intended behavior: you have enabled "Force scaling the capacity to the specified values when the timeout is reached", which means that connections which block a scaling event due to active (probably long-running) transactions will be terminated when the scaling timeout is reached. If you want the scaling event to wait for all active transactions to finish, you'll need to disable that setting...

-Kevin J (PM for Aurora PostgreSQL)

answered 5 years ago

Hi, I am currently having the very same issue.

But at least for me, if I disable the option to "force autoscale", I get an error in the Aurora events log with the message: "Scaling point wasn't found".
How to proceed?

answered 4 years ago

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