AWS S3 File Not Opening on Chrome but only on Safari


Hi! I have a public AWS video file here:

It only opens on Safari and won't open on Chrome (which I desperately need). I've tried removing all my extensions and using incognito mode and even clearing my cache and cookies but nothing helps. Any ideas?

  • What does Chrome web console return as error?

  • You can click and it and see for yourself but there isn't really an error... it just is blank but in safari it works..

asked a year ago1195 views
2 Answers

Greetings, The issue you're experiencing could be due to the video format or the CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) settings on the S3 bucket that hosts the video file.

The video file you provided is in QuickTime format (file extension .mov), which might not be supported natively by Google Chrome. Safari supports .mov files as it's developed by Apple, but Chrome typically supports MP4, WebM, and Ogg formats. To make the video compatible with Chrome, you can convert the video to a more widely supported format like MP4 using wide known tools. Please let me know if I answered your question

answered a year ago

Your Video Format is H263 and most likely is not supported by the Chrome player you are using.

The file plays fine on VLC or Safari so there is nothing wrong with the file.

You can change the default video player of Chrome to use VLC or other player that supports the codec of this file, just follow the instructions on this article

answered a year ago
  • I tried that but those extensions aren't working for me.. hmm any other suggestions?

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