Object lambda access point policy, policy document malformed



Despite olap is declared as "optional", when saving it I've got an error message "invalid policy". Then I edit it and from there I'm struggling to define the following:

	"Version": "2012-10-17",
	"Statement": [
			"Sid": "Statement1",
			"Principal": {
				"AWS": "*account-ARN*"
			"Effect": "Allow",
			"Action": [
			"Resource": [

In the underneath status bar: Security = 0, errors = 0, warnings = 0, suggestions = 0 - So should be fine.

However, when saving the policy I have an error "Invalid Object Lambda Access Point policy -> API response -> Policy document is malformed"

What am I missing?

Thx in advance for any suggestion

asked 2 years ago741 views
2 Answers


I understand that you are encountering a MalformedPolicyDocument error. You get the "MalformedPolicyDocument" error when the policy document isn't syntactically or semantically correct, as per the grammar of the policy language[1]. Refer to the resources posted below.

To solve this error you can modify your policies to the below format:


"Version": "2012-10-17",

"Statement": [


		"Sid": "Statement1",

		"Principal": {

			"AWS": "*account-ARN*"


		"Effect": "Allow",

		"Action": [



		"Resource": [








answered 2 years ago

In my understanding, olap policy must point, resource-wise, to an access-point, action-wise to object-lambda action - not a directly to a bucket nor s3 actions.

Any, attempting to change action to what you suggest raises the error "Unsupported Action In Policy: The action s3: is not supported for the resource-based policy attached to resource type S3 Bucket.*" while the resource raises "Unsupported Resource ARN In Policy: The resource ARN is not supported for the resource-based policy attached to resource type S3 Object Lambda Access Point.".

So, it doesn't to be solving the issue...

answered 2 years ago

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