Lightsail instance keeps timing out



I have created a light sail instance which runs some basic Python scripts. However every now and then it just freezes and any SSH connection times out with the message: port 22: Operation timed out. I've also tested the browser-based SSH without any luck,

Restarting/Stopping and Starting helps for a short while until it starts timing out once again in a few days.

I do not run anything fancy, the Metrics show less than %1 CPU usage most of the time. Burst capacity has never been lower than %80.

I genuinely could not find any reason for this and would appreciate any help.

My instance specs are: 2 GB RAM, 2 vCPUs, 60 GB SSD Amazon Linux 2023 London, Zone A (eu-west-2a)

  • What exactly do your Python Scripts do?

asked 6 months ago330 views
1 Answer


Check the OS system logs when you are able to SSH into your Lightsail instance.
It is possible that the log that caused the connection to fail is being output.
For the Lightsail plan you are using, 20% CPU usage is the baseline throughput, so as you might expect, CPU may not have much to do with it.
Therefore, it may be a good idea to check whether there are any problems with memory usage, etc.

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answered 6 months ago

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