

Hello, i am creating react app by following github repo to implement live-stream-on-aws. I understood the steps of starting live, but i got stuck on cloud front. in this repo there is every step of how to create the input, medialive channel, mediapackage channel, endpoint. But i was not able to find connecting mediapackage to cloudfront. the steps i am doing in node js:

  1. create media package,
  2. create endpoint,
  3. create input security group,
  4. create input,
  5. create media live channel,

in this process i am able to play live stream with endpoint url, but it is said that i have to broadcast the live on cloudfront. How can i connect cloudfront. Or is there any github repo like above one? If you can help, i would really appreciate it! Thank you very much!

2 Answers

The live streaming solution you reference should allow the creation of MediaPackage with creating a CloudFront endpoint. Hopefully there was an option in the CloudFormation procedure to select this. You may want to partially run through the install and review the options during the MediaPackage section. If there is a choice to include the CloudFront endpoint with MediaPackage, then perhaps you can create a new live stream which includes CloudFront. The URL for the CF access will be included in the MediaPackage Endpoint information in the AWS console and via API. The original workflow can be removed by going to the CloudFormation service and removing that build out.

If the option to include CloudFront is not offered, you can create a CloudFront distribution from the AWS console, then use the existing MediaPackage endpoint(s) as the origin. This is a manual process and may require including different MediaPackage endpoints for each stream type of HLS, DASH, CMAF.

answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 5 months ago

Thank you for your answer. I am creating live on node api. While creating the Media package endpoint most of the time the endpoint domain is the same, sometimes it is changing:

  1. or
  2. most of the time this two endpoint hostnames are being created for my endpoint hls urls. I am concerned if another different endpoint hostname is created which is not added to cloud front as an origin! How can i control it.
answered 2 years ago

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