Custom scanning on Amazon Inspector


We have several custom paths for our applications running on EC2. The software is installed through third party software. Can Amazon Inspector scan custom paths on EC2 for deep inspection?

asked 19 days ago49 views
2 Answers

Yes, you can enable EC2 custom path scanning by enabling “Deep Inspection of EC2 instances” . You have options to either enable custom paths for a specific account or an entire organization. These settings are found under “EC2 scanning settings” under “General Settings” in Amazon Inspector.

Please refer to the following user guide.

answered 19 days ago

You can use custom paths with Amazon Inspector for deep scanning as described here-

All accounts can define up to 5 custom paths. The delegated administrator for an organization can define 10 custom paths.

Please note: Custom paths must be local paths. Amazon Inspector doesn't scan mapped network paths, such as Network File System mounts or Amazon S3 file system mounts.

answered 14 days ago

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