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Check Security Group Rules Ensure that the security group associated with your EC2 instance allows inbound SSH (port 22) traffic from your IP address or from any IP address if you're unsure.
Go to the AWS Management Console. Navigate to the EC2 dashboard. Select the instance in question. Check the associated security group. Verify that there is an inbound rule allowing SSH traffic (port 22) from your IP address or from (for testing purposes). => 2. Verify Key Pair Ensure that you are using the correct private key (.pem file) to connect to the instance. If you have lost the private key or suspect it is incorrect, you may need to replace the key pair or launch a new instance with a new key pair. =>
Check Instance Status Verify that the instance is running and has not been terminated accidentally.
Check Network ACLs If you are using a custom VPC, verify that the Network ACLs associated with the subnet allow inbound and outbound SSH traffic (port 22).
Check Route Table If the instance is in a custom VPC, verify that the route table associated with the subnet has a route to the internet gateway (
Verify Public IP Address If you are trying to connect to the instance over the internet, ensure that the instance has a public IP address associated with it. If not, consider assigning an Elastic IP (EIP) to the instance for static public IP addressing.
Do you have a Security Group inbound rule that allows SSH from anywhere?
yes i put entry rules
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- AWS OFFICIALUpdated a year ago
- AWS OFFICIALUpdated a month ago
- AWS OFFICIALUpdated a year ago
- AWS OFFICIALUpdated a month ago
I done that i can enter my server whit i file .pem with the next script
ssh -i "kdebianproyecto.pem" admin@ec2-x-x-x-x.us-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com
the error i see is when i try to enter by putty
"No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey)"