Can't see updates on AWS IoT TwinMaker Scene Viewer widget on Grafana


Grafana Dashboard view Scene Viewer Configuration

This is my Grafana dashboard. I followed your tutorial in order to provision a thing in IoT Core, build an IoT Rule for Sitewise and simulate a telemetry for a device. As you can see in the Time Series Graph the data ingestion is correctly configured. But even if I added a model shader for the 3D object and a rule in Twin Maker I can't see any update (the rule should change the color of the car) on the Scene Viewer widget.

Model Shader Twin Maker Rule configutation Twin Mkaer

Can you help me with that? Best regards.

EDIT: Complete view of Grafana Dashboard This is the whole view of my Grafana Dashboard and as you can see the timeframe is correctly configured because I can see the live data in the linear graph widget.

asked 2 years ago525 views
1 Answer

It looks like you set up the rules in the AWS Console and query in Grafana correctly. I want to confirm the property in the model shader binding: is Property_fc722d... the same as the Pressure property? Make sure the entity Id, component name, and property name all match between the Scene Composer in the Console and Scene Viewer in Grafana.

In Grafana make sure you are using the correct time range for viewing the property data. Your dashboard is set to the "Last 5 minutes" which will only work if you have live data streaming in.

answered 2 years ago

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