Cannot publish mechanical turk batch


I cannot publish my batch because I am exceeding the monthly limit. The batch costs 1,008 and my limit shows as 2,500 so how is it exceeded? I even changed the batch to 2 and it still says it exceeds the limit which is 2,500. I have three open cases and no one can help. They keep saying they will give me an update when the limit is increased (it has been several days) -- and that my limit is 0 which conflicts with my account information:

Current limit

I've already shared this information in my support cases and there's no response. I really need to publish my batch and start getting responses to meet a deadline and the support team does not care.

  • Did the support team fix this for you / how long did it take? I’m asking because I have the same issue and similar to you, this is VERY time-sensitive for my research. I will need to move to a different platform if they fail to resolve my case quickly.

asked 2 years ago575 views
4 Answers


I can see there was a recent update from our MTurk support team on your case. Please continue to monitor your case through Support Center for updates. We appreciate your patience while our MTurk support team works to resolve this for you.

- Brian D.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
  • Unfortunately the only response for 5 days has been "we are working on it" despite it being escalated several times. No one is actually going into my account and fixing the limit. Not sure why all new accounts are forced into AWS and AWS billing if MTurk isn't going to use the AWS limits. No one is made aware when they create their account that they will start at a $0 limit and it will take months to fix.


Hi again,

I certainly understand your frustration, this is not the experience we want our customers to have. I can assure you the case is in the proper hands and I've passed your feedback along to the team working the case. I ask for your continued patience as our MTurk support works through this for you. Please keep in mind that case volume and the need to engage other teams can delay resolution.

- Brian D.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

Hi there,

I wanted to reach out and let you know there's an update on your support case. Please follow up with us via our Support Center if you need anything further, or have additional feedback to share:

— Chrissy B.

answered 2 years ago

Limit increase request 1 Service: Mechanical Turk Region: US East (Northern Virginia) Limit name: Monthly Usage New limit value: 1000


answered 2 years ago

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