Bitnami Password not showing on Log Info


Unfortunately I was stop my instance without any knowledge but after again start the instance I'm checking the log file for bitnami user and password but it's not showing on the log file please help me to find out the wordpress admin passowrd. Thank You

asked 2 years ago824 views
1 Answer

Hi Saiful,

From your question I believe you want to recover your application password. Are you able to connect to your instance? If so, following the steps in this documentation run the following command:

cat bitnami_application_password

to get your application password or use the below command to get both username and password:

 cat bitnami_credentials

However, depending on the method you used to deploy the application. The method you will use to obtain your login details may differ. I suggest you also look at other methods as described in this documentation.

I hope this will help

answered 2 years ago

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