Unable to install postgis extension on postgresql 16.4



After upgrading an existing Postgres 16.1 instance on RDS to 16.4 the postgres extension stopped working. Queries on tables using the extension just fails with this error.

ERROR:  could not load library "/rdsdbbin/postgres-16.4.R1/lib/postgis-3.so": libpsl.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 

SQL state: 58P01

As it was a test db, I removed the tables and dropped the extension. When I try to add it again using CREATE EXTENSION postgis; it results in the same error as above.

asked a month ago406 views
1 Answer

I was able to resolve this by applying a pending OS update from the Maintenance panel. It seems to have installed the library.

Allan A
answered 18 days ago

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