High cpu usage on RDS MySQL instance for about 4 hours today



We experienced high cpu usage on RDS MySQL instance today for about 4 hours. Our number of queries did not change drastically for the past year or so. Everything has been working fine until this morning. Then, queries started failing and we saw high cpu usage (close to 100%). Now, everything just went back to normal on its own. What happened?

asked 2 years ago520 views
2 Answers

There's a knowledge doc that addresses exactly this scenario https://repost.aws/knowledge-center/rds-sql-server-resolve-high-cpu-use You should definitely be looking at setting up gathering metrics with Performance Insights and CloudWatch (if you haven't already) in case this recurs.

Do you have backups setup for this database, and what time of day so they normally run? Could it be that it's normally an incremental (which you hardly notice) but maybe today it was a full?

Without knowing more about the RDS instance it's difficult to give more specific advice.

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answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 2 years ago

It is a db.t3.small, so I can't enable performance insights. The default automated backup is enabled to run at 06:15 UTC with 0.5hrs duration with 1 day retention. I am on PDT and when we experienced the high CPU usage was way past the 06:15UTC time.

answered 2 years ago

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