Can i migrate from t2.xlarge to t3.xlarge instance


I have created server which is t2.xlarge were i am running application but in future if in want to migrate will it help me to migrate to t3.xlarge can someone help

asked a year ago689 views
2 Answers

t3 is a Nitro instance, while t2 is not. There are some considerations when migrating to Nitro. This involves installing ENA drivers among other things.

For Windows, refer to Migrate to latest generation instance types

For Linux, refer to Why is my Linux instance not booting after I changed its type to a Nitro-based instance type?

To change instance type, see Change the instance type

answered a year ago

Hi Pravin, You can change the instance family with a click of a button from Management console. But there are few considerations you have to comply with for this activity. All the steps and details are documented under

Note: You have different process when you use EBS and Instance store root volumes. Please pay special attention to that under the documentation.

answered a year ago
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