CodeDeploy to update Auto scaling launch template


Hi, Is this possible to update the auto scaling group launch template with new code built with aws code build and I need to deploy that new code via codedeploy to a launch instance. Here I already had the auto scaling group and launch template. I need a example Cloud formation script to build the above solution

2 Answers


Why not just deploy the code directly to EC2 in the AutoScaling group instead of updating the launch template?

Blue/Green deployment of AutoScaling groups is not supported by CloudFormation, so you will need to create Lambda etc. as shown in the blog below.

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answered a year ago
  • Thank you for the reply, Reason not to deploy directly to EC2 auto scaling group is if one instance goes down the ASG will bring up new instance with older launch template.



I'm no expert, but I think all you have to do is rename your CodeDeploy.

CloudFormation will create a new CodeDeploy for you by keeping resources that are currently in use. Of course, make sure you don't rename your other resources.

For exemple, if tou have this code:

  Type: AWS::CodeDeploy::Application 
    ComputePlatform: Lambda

You can do that:

  Type: AWS::CodeDeploy::Application 
    ComputePlatform: Lambda

Please don't rename other ressources because CloudFormation will destroy and create new ones.

@Riku_Kobayashi Can you tell me if I'm wrong or not? (It's my first comment on re:Post)

answered a year ago

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