AWS CloudWatch Metrics Pricing with Different Resolutions


I have created three types of metrics with different resolutions:

  1. Metrics are sent every 10 seconds.
  2. Metrics are sent every minute.
  3. Metrics are sent every hour.

Are these three metrics charged the same?

If not:

The official document states that each metric costs USD 0.3. Is this pricing based on the one-minute resolution? Should I divide the pricing by 60 when using the one-hour resolution and multiply by 6 when using the 10-second resolution?

1 Answer

Hi, yes you pay the same price for the metric itself in all 3 cases above, so a metric sent once every hour would cost USD 0.3 for one month, and you don't have to pay an extra if you send the metrics every 10 seconds, it will be charged the same.

The part of your bill that will vary if you send metrics every 10 seconds vs every minute is the API: you will pay for more API calls. API calls are charged USD 0.01 per 1,000 requests after the free tier (see

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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