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AWS Patch Manager Patching Task failing


I have 2 EC2 Servers in a patch group using AWS-DefaultPatchBaseline Baseline to patch and reboot if needed but they seem to be failing, looking at the setup it all seems ok and has completed successfully the 1st time it was setup:

Invoke-PatchBaselineOperation : The install operation did not complete successfully. Additional failure information from Windows Update: HResult: -2145124318 | Result Code: orcFailed At C:\ProgramData\Amazon\SSM\InstanceData\i-0563ac941c30a1a19\document\orchestration\d2914f06-8429-4bfa-a4cd-3dfd0b0ef6 e7\PatchWindows_script.ps1:237 char:13

  • $response = Invoke-PatchBaselineOperation -Operation Install -Snapsho ...
  •         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • CategoryInfo : OperationStopped: (Amazon.Patch.Ba...UpdateOperation:InstallWindowsUpdateOperation) [Inv oke-PatchBaselineOperation], Exception
    • FullyQualifiedErrorId : Exception Level 1: Error Message: The install operation did not complete successfully. Additional failure information from Windows U pdate: HResult: -2145124318 | Result Code: orcFailed Stack Trace: at Amazon.Patch.Baseline.Operations.PatchNow.Implementations.InstallWindowsUpdateOperation.DoWind owsUpdateOperation() at Amazon.Patch.Baseline.Operations.PatchNow.Implementations.WindowsUpdateOperation.DoBeginProcessing() ,Amazon.Patch.Baseline.Operations.PowerShellCmdlets.InvokePatchBaselineOperation

failed to run commands: exit status 0xffffffff

asked 2 years ago4.4K views
1 Answer

This error could be related to the Windows Update components, or to a lack of connectivity to the Windows Update Catalog or Windows Server Update Services (WSUS).

Confirm that the managed node has connectivity to the Microsoft Update Catalog through an internet gateway, NAT gateway, or NAT instance. If you're using WSUS, confirm that the managed node has connectivity to the WSUS server in your environment. If connectivity is available to the intended destination, check the Microsoft documentation for other potential causes of HResult This might indicate an operating system level issue.

Please check the below document if it helps:

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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