Send SNS using 2 files. 1 for Recipient list and 1 for Message body.


I am beginner here and our company wants to know if this is possible.

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

What exactly are you trying to send? SMS? e-mail?

In either case, using SNS, you can send an SMS message to individual recipients, but you will need to do it in a loop. If you need to send mails, they all need to be subscribed to a topic, and you need to publish to the topic. SNS will send the mails to all subscribers.

I think the Pinpoint will let you do something similar to what you need. You will be able to make a single call to SendMessages and provide a full list of recipients and specify a message that will be sent to all. You can also do some merging in there so send a customized message to each recipient.

profile pictureAWS
answered 20 days ago
  • I am trying to send SNS but not idea how to do it. Do I need to use Lambda to do it?

  • You will need to write some code to call the Publish or PublishBatch APIs. The code can run in a Lambda function or anywhere else. You should use an SDK for the appropriate language you use. For instance, if you develop in Python, use boto3.

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