Public ip changed, full memory, can't use sudo


Dear knowledgeable people of aws,

Out of nowhere my server randomly changed it's public ip and I could not connect to it anymore.

I can now use the new public ip to connect to the server, however, I can not do anything on the server.

Since the ip has changed, the memory is always at 99.7% or higher and I can not use the sudo commands.

I checked the DNS settings on my server and both settings are enabled....

Can someone explain to me why my ip changed and why I can not use anything on my server? I can change directory's and try to run commands but nothing really "works".

Please help as this is frustrating me a lot!

Thank you in advance for any help...

Kind regards,


asked 2 years ago252 views
1 Answer

I think I would stop the instance, detach the root volume, attach the root volume to another running instance. Then you can examine the logs and try to figure out what happen. See: My EC2 Linux instance failed the instance status check due to operating system issues. How do I troubleshoot this?

It you did not have an Elastic IP assigned to the instance and it was stopped and started, you will get another Pubic IP assigned to the instance. See: Amazon EC2 instance IP addressing

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answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 3 months ago

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